Embedded Systems

In today's world, embedded systems are everywhere! homes, offices, cars, factories, hospitals, plans and consumer electronics. Their huge numbers and new complexity call for a new design approach, one that emphasizes high-level tools and hardware/software tradeoffs, rather than low-level assembly-language programming and logic design. 

Nowadays we regularly hear about one of the most important concepts in electronics, that is Embedded Systems. What is embedded systems? Why many people prefer embedded systems in these days?

An embedded system is a computer system which is designed to perform many operations such as to access the data, process the data, store the data and also control the data in electronics based systems. In embedded systems, software commonly known as firmware is hidden inside the same hardware rather than in some other hardware. Basically embedded systems are task specific devices. One of its most important characteristic is gives the output within the time constraints or you can say they are time bound systems. These embedded systems help to make the work more convenient and accurate. So, we often use these embedded systems in simple and complicated devices too. We use these embedded systems in our real life for many devices and applications such as Calculators, microwave, television remote control, home security and neighborhood traffic control systems, etc.

Many engineering students show lot of interest to do the projects based on embedded systems in their final year. For their purpose, we have listed here some of the best embedded systems projects ideas which are all very helpful to get an idea about what type of projects that they can choose in engineering level. This list includes many 8051 Microcontroller Projects, PIC Projects and AVR Microcontroller projects. Some of the examples of microcontroller based projects are water level controller using 8051, Propeller LED display, Automatic Railway Gate Controller with High Speed Alerting System, Metal detector robot, Biometric attendance system, etc.